Uniform and Dress Code

The WFM RD&A wants to project a positive and professional image. In that regard, your dress style is important when you are representing the WFM RD&A at meetings, conferences, or on fire assignments.


All employees should order the uniform components needed to wear the “dress uniform” for your agency; this may include:

The Forest Service or DOI-agency uniform may be used to represent the agency you work for during meetings that take place when you are working on fires at a local unit. Often, during briefings to Forest Supervisors or Superintendents, fire personnel wear these agency dress shirts with nomex fire pants.

Obtaining a USFS Uniform

Every WFM RD&A employee employed by the Forest Service has a uniform allowance.

Forest Service employees access the uniform allowance, catalog, and online ordering through an eauthentication login to ConnectHR. The uniform link is in the left menu bar of your ConnectHR page. Instructions for ordering are given here.

Obtaining a DOI Agency Uniform

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Dress Codes

Additionally, each WFM RD&A employee will receive a shirt with the team’s logo, and a nametag. You can purchase more at your own expense. These shirts are to be worn as “casual professional” dress when you represent the WFM RD&A in an office setting, like standing up the NFDSC at a GACC.

During a normal office day at your home unit there is no dress code that is specific to the WFM RD&A.

When visiting the NIFC offices in Boise, be aware that the dress code is “casual professional” and keep in mind that NIFC often hosts VIPs that may tour the offices at any time. In summer, casual Fridays are allowed, but employees cannot wear shorts, short skirts, crop tops, t-shirts, faded/torn blue jeans, exercise clothes, or flip-flops. Refer to the NIFC Employee Handbook for the NIFC dress code.

Of course, if you are working in the field, all necessary PPE trumps the dress code. On fire assignments that are field-oriented, you will wear nomex pants, fire boots, cotton t-shirts, and appropriate fireline gear during those occasions.