To get certified as a lifeguard one must first complete the American Red Cross Lifeguarding classes in New Haven. Our training is available as a traditional, in-person course totaling 25 hours and 20 minutes while our blended learning course totals 19.5 hours in person and 7.5 hours online. In order to become certified you must be 15 years of age and have passed the pre-course swimming skills test. The American Red Cross has three courses that are featured during Lifeguard training in New Haven: Lifeguarding, Shallow Water Lifeguarding (water up to 5 feet deep) and Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding (water up to 3 feet deep). A two year certification in Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED is issued upon successful completion of our training and coursework. A digital certification is available upon completion. Accessing your digital lifeguarding certification online has never been easier. The American Red Cross lets you access your lifeguarding certification through your Red Cross account and easily print or share online. Your employers can also access your certification with ease. A review conducted by the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council states that less than half of course participants can pass a skills test one year after training. Skill retention begins to decline only after a few months which is why refresher courses are so important. The American Red Cross lifeguarding review classes are designed to help you update your skills while renewing your certification for another two years. For those whose certification is still valid (or within 30 days of expiring), our renewal courses allow you to continue to work without a lapse in verification. Those wish to recertify may register for the Red Cross New Haven Lifeguard training and review course. Those who prefer blended learning courses, which combine both in-person and online learning options, may also register for a Red Cross Blended Learning Lifeguarding Review course. For information on the American Red Cross lifeguarding recertification courses in your area, please use the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Find a Class Tool. The American Red Cross offers Lifeguard training in New Haven, along with valuable training resources and manuals that are designed to make learning easy. Our digital and traditional printed materials are created as a complement to assist your learning while you are getting trained to become a certified lifeguard. The Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual is designed to teach you everything from the basic responsibilities of a lifeguard to water rescue skills, emergency action plans and more. Our manuals have proven to be valuable resources for information long after your certification has been completed.