City of philadelphia revenue change form

There have been changes to both the Philadelphia Tax Clearance service and the Homestead Exemption application, and there are new ways to access both.

Philadelphia Tax Clearance

Taxpayers requesting tax clearance certificates will need to visit the Tax Clearance area of the Philadelphia Tax Center. Please update your bookmarks.

You do not need a username and password to make tax clearance requests in the Tax Center. However, creating a username and password can streamline the resolution of tax clearance issues. Once logged in, you’ll have access to direct information about missing returns or payments.

Homestead Exemption Application

Taxpayers applying for the Homestead Exemption will need to visit the Philadelphia Tax Center. To apply, use the “Property Search” panel on the front page of the site. Please update your bookmarks.

You do not need a username and password to apply for any Real Estate Tax assistance programs on the Tax Center, including the Homestead Exemption.